Hardware Support

With over 27 years providing practices with the power to enhance their brand, AET can assist!

With over 27 years providing practices with the power to enhance their brand, AET can assist your office or practice with a myriad of different support packages regarding hardware.

DSL, Network Configurations, Offsite Backup, Chart Storage Services & Recommendations also include:

-Retrieve Data & Restore Backups

-Memory Upgrades

-Printer Installation & Troubleshooting Issues on and off site

-Installation & Configuration of wireless networks & VPNs

-Installation & Upgrades of Windows Operating Systems

-System Diagnostics

-Provide Anti-Virus & Malware Solutions

-Technology Consultations

-E-mail setup

-Full support for Windows 7. We also support older OS: Windows XP/Vista & Server 2k-2008

As a reseller of Lenova and Hewlett Packard products, we can fully set up your office or practice with the latest items in desktops, laptops, wireless setups and all the accessories that come along.

Call for a quote today @ 954-315-9100!